Extra dark black beeswax to make line work easier to see. Great for beginners and those who may need more contrast between dye and color. Gourmet Pysanky Beeswax for the select artist. Made from select, pure, refined organic stock products.This wax is colorized extra dark, use caution if acid etching, do not let sit on etched shell for prolonged time. Each wax is individually packed to keep product dust free. This Wax will flow through the finest of kistka points. As with all colorized wax, slow wax removal with a kitchen oven melt off is not recomended. Wax removal by traditional flame or heat gun is best. A final clean up with a soft lint free cloth and some Ronsonal lighter fluid or mineral spirits will remove any wax debris. 1oz Colorized wax. To protect work surface areas, all colorized waxes should be kept in their plastic shipping bags.