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- Colorama Pysanka Dye #82 Nightshade
Colorama Pysanka Dye #82 Nightshade
A lovely dark black/purple. Super strong, do not leave unattended as color will get darker if left in too long, yet will still wash back with the Ivory soap mix. A great finishing color.
*WARNING: This product contains a chemical(s) known to the State of California to cause cancer. Always protect yourself against known and potentially unknown chronic hazards of this and other chemical products by keeping them out of your body. Do this by avoiding ingestion, excessive skin contact, and inhalation of dusts, concentrated vapors and spraying mists.
Pysanka dyes are non-edible. They are water soluble and not hazardous when used as directed. Wash hands well after use. Children should always be supervised when working with dyes.
Хемічні фарби є неїстимі. Вони не шкідливі здоров'ю, коли дотримуватися рекомендацій про розмішування й уживання. Ніколи не залишати дітей без опіки при писанні й фарбуванні писанок. Після роботи з фарбами необхідно добре помити руки.
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